Surprise for you All! Even this blog concern about "Motorcycle News" and short of it, there wouldn't be anything wrong if I share about SEO tips for You in order to optimize your blog. Well as I am not an SEO expert or close to it. But I do always learn about it. And here is the result an article about SEO title "Save And Easy Ways To Get Backlink"
What is SEO and Backlink? as you can find the answer in another blog. I'm not going to review it in this blog. You'll get boring beside that, there are millions of article that you can find out there. It'll be wasting my page and your time too
Ok then, Straight to the problem, the title says it al save and easy ways to get backlink which is,of course, free (you know,free,no charge,just exactly what I like, well most people like, guess you so)
For the first step, it's the easy one. How can be it easy? Because this is the way that might never been imagined before especially for you who used to use add-ons or another tool to search backlink. It's quite simple, we just need to search at the Search Engine and with a little work we'll know how many link will be our blog rival.
The second step is the save one, on the other words we'll get back link and our back link will be save from the webmaster dashboard reduce. Have you ever been lost your backlink? as we checked our backlink today, we get 2000 and the other day become 1000 or less? I did have. So here I am to share with you then you'll need not to experience such a bad one like me. This awful experience inspired me to write thise article
Let's not wasting our time then. As I've said before the first step is the easy one what should we do is searching and then analyzing the most powerfull blogs or sites in the Search Engine, as an example my own blog about "Motorcycle", I look for word at the Search Engine by typig the word "motorcycle" in the search box. Ten site or blog wich come first that we call the most powerfull sites. How they could be? They are on the first line among millions of "motorcycle" word that we search. How can they be powerfull? one of the reason is because of the backlink. And where can they get backlink? there are some ways to get the backlink. It can be from the link exchange, review by the other blog, or by blog walking to the DoFollow blogs, etc.
We will concern about the blog walking coz it's more effective and beside that the link exchange is usually avoided by the Search Engine (said the expert, not me
OK! back to the topic, wich is searching DoFollow blogs then we'll get the backlink from them and grow from there and then. How do is work?
*First step: Find a keyword, anything you want, at the Search Engine, when we got the result, we analyze most powerfull blog, say it 1st to 5th blog.
Open the blog's link, then analyze where they have backlink from by checking or sorts of web. I used to use after tahat you can see the link list there, take the pure DoFollow by seeing the most repeatable link as an example:
And make sure that the links don't put banner or blogroll at the blog the we analyze the backlink. Because it will caused the same effect as some as the pure DoFollow wich the blogroll will give the blog link to the blog where they put the link as the blogroll-er (person who put the blogroll), so far I know.
When we sure that the blog is a pure DoFollow, visit the blog, find article wich is relevan with our blog, then leave a comment on the article. By the admin approve your comment, I'm sure there will be hundreds of link you'll get from the pure DoFollow.
And how can it run for different output results? as example:
intact, this link is a DoFollow too, but is is a DoFollow with mixed status or mixed between NoFollow and DoFollow. Usually the DoFollow part is at the comment coloumn or guestbook, while the homepage is NoFollow. So we will get backlink just from the article which we had been commented and approved by the admin. It means to get a backlink from this blog we have to open the article one by one and leave a comment on every single of it.
In order to make it easy for you to understand check the pictures bellow:
As the explanation how to get the backlink, the next step is to keep the backlink saved and always be under our webmaster dashboard. How do is work?. The simple way, in my opinion, yet it not the easiest to do is avoid "the trial way" (these words just come out my head, I don't know how the expert said it, but I guess they do know what I mean by it). "Trial Way" as I know, is a link that made a spider bot on Search Engine get angry!, ...very angry!, because when it crawl the site, it made the Search Engine turn around in a circle of no hope before it take it to the database. But, by the development of the search engine now a days become so modern. So this short of link usually will be left by the spider robot and never be visited till there is a maintenance by the site. Even the site gives the latest info and fresh content. It will be very difficult to crawl to the first page result. Check the picture below for further information.
Site A linked to site B,
site B linked to site C
and site C linked to site A
it's A-B-C-A or in it invers A-C-B-A
The step above is just a real fatal false step. It's awful guys. it used to be the result of the link exchange ore the banner exchange. Beside our backlink won't be counted by the search engine database our site probably will be kicked from the search result. So, it will be useless, won't it? Then, How to prevent it? Let's analyze one by one the step to keep the back link that we have had not to lose from the search engine database. How? It hard for me to explain in simple words since the words don't come out easily from my head. But... let give it a try. Before I explain it, I'll let you imagine my explanation by the picture below, I think you'll get it easier
The picture above is the second fatal fault after the picture before (pic.2). This fault used to happen when you took a shortcut in stead of searching a backlink by searching on the search engine, example: "250 DoFollow blog update (the last mounth)" This is the starting point of the backlink losing from the search engine database.
I think when you get what you're looking for, you'll thanked to the information by leaving a comment on the comment coloumn at the blog and go to DoFollow blog wich is in the "250 DoFollow blog update (the last mounth)" to visit the blog list one by one and leave a comment on it and hope you'll get a backlink from "Them". But you don't realize the side effect, the bad one ofcourse. And if you ask me where's your fault? the answer will be in pages that will get your boring. So, here it is a picture to help you understanding where's you fault:
I won't give you too much explanation about what kind of link on the picture above. I'll explain about wich parts, in my thought, is an SEO fault. It can be correct, but ,yet, it can be wrong. Coz I haven't met any SEO blogs which concern about this, well, there might be, but I just haven't found it yet.So this is my personal analysing just for you.
*Trial Way 1 Factor
When spider crawl crawling from your blog, it will read various of important link on your blog including your comment that linked to the other blog. There will be a one way link here, between your blog (A) to the other blog (B), and the second link, from your blog (A) to another blog (C) will be appear in the search engine too. If there is no connection between blog B and C you suppose to be in the save zone category. Because after the search engine get in the blog B or C there were no backlink activities among them. The Search Engine bot will be straight forwaded to the database and save your site information to be out-put on the search result (indexing proccess). There will be fault when there is a spider connection between blog B and C wich coincidental tide by a comment you left on those blog, there will be sort of effect of trial way. The first trial way is between your site (A) to site (B) and site (B) to site (C) and the invers of them: your site (A) to site (C) and site (B) to site (C). In a simple way will be written A--B--C--A for the first trial and A--C--B--A for the second. This kind of trial used to happen when site B suggest to go site the DoFollow blog (site C) but site B have put the link on it first then you put the link on the same comment coloumn just before you put your link at site B. So, this is, in my opinion, something that make your backlink lost. I thought that, this is caused you follow the suggestion of site B to find backlink from the site C before.
**Note: Even if you leave comment in a different article by site B, there a change that the spider crawl will follow the other link, example: Category, Tag, Related Post, etc. Hope you'll get what I've explained
*Trial Way 2 Factor
Look at the picture:
It's really happen, but it can be. What is it? Have You analyze the optimizing RSS feed? if you haven't done it. give your self a break to enjoy your cofeee, because I throught learning SEO is very tiring and there will not be an end as people in the whole world still use the search engine. For you whe ever optimize SEO by Feed way. the fault came when your feed redirected to other source as example then you'll join to the RSS Feed Directory by filling the "join" coloumn by the name of Feed (http://feedburner/YourSite) then you put a banner or link RSS feed Directory when you joined your blog. These sorts of directories usually will activated their services if you join they it took a chance that your SEO will be dropped. How it could be? Because the trial way is happened here. Which your site (site A / Your Feed) linked to FeedBurner (site B) then your feedburner (site B) linked to the feed directory (site C) and you linked site C to your blog (by put their link) this a fatal trial way based from the feed.
I guess that's all for now about "Save And Easy Ways To Get Backlink" I hope I'm not running out the idea to post another article about SEO next time. even if I'm not an expert on it but I'll be glad to share with you. If you confuse or there's something to ask, just leave a comment and well sort it off. If you thought that this article need to be reviewed, you're allowed to do copypaste this article to your blog and give me some link. even if you're not that wowld be okay.
Note: You are allowed to review and leave a comment. But if you want to get backlink from another blog which is linked to my blog (with the technique above) or you want to analyze my blog andget the backlink. It's better for you not to leave a comment to avoid the trial ways. It's not because I'll drop my SEO, but you'll going to cut your self from the begining.
Finally... that's all folks hope it'll give you scores. thanks for your visit and supports to my blog
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