Very fond of experimenting modif, Kristi Nasriansyah re-released the mascot extreme motor. Tangible ATV, Motorcycle Nouvonya now increasingly become an idol in the earth Tarakan Kal-Tim. "Racikannya real perfect fit so that its performance remains even now bersosok tub monster," proud of the team dedengkot modif KP 4 RT13 DAB from Tarakan. Initial capital, Kris Yamaha Raptor ATV hunting unit that finally gotten without the engine unit. Kris really lucky to have a pile of kitchen sets runway Yamaha Nouvo. No doubt, this engine unit finally doi gawangan planting in order to Yamaha Raptor.
"Really have acted much better frame construction penyesuaikan tubularnya and engine bracket due to different character types and dimensions of the kitchen runway when compared to the Yamaha Nouvo Raptor," Kris straightforward. Kelar installed, Kris must make its motion mechanism using a drive chain. For this, Kris simply plug the small sprocket gear CVT Nouvo as output which is connected with the rear sprocket gear wheel ATV through the media chain.
"It must be really fit distance disetting sprocketnya gear for the chain is not too tight or too loose, but it also positions enginenya arrangement must fit the chain is not easy let loose," said Kris.
Kelar complete engine set of arrangements and the driving mechanism, the action continued with overpower the foot-leg. No half-hearted, Kristi had a wild idea and brought the car almu racing wheel sets 15 x 10 are wrapped in tire size 31 directly incorporated into the axle bracket with the media is also tasked with iron drum as the drum brake unit. "Making bracket must be designed like the original drum Raptor, but with metal lathe process results," said Kris.
Offset the burden of giant legs, Kris also have a right trick for handling stangnya remain mild. "I just Extend arm hook tromolnya turning motion, so even need a handlebar angle more, but still comfortable handlingnya 'n mild," Krist lid. tito / ADT
Modif spec:
VELG: LSQ R-15, TIRE: Goodyear Wrangler AT / R, SUSPENSION DPN: Force, exhaust: AHRS, handlebar: Tiger, modifier: DAB, KP 6 Front SMAN 2 Tarakan Kaltim (085,246,369,009)