
2011 Suzuki Shogun Axelo
Jakarta - January 5, 2011, Suzuki Shogun Axelo will be clearly launched. PT Indomobil Suzuki Sales (SIS), ATPM Suzuki in Indonesia accept Sirkut Park Kenjeran, Surabaya as a ablution location.visible changes in a added activating body. The architecture is appealing abundant afflicted even admitting its physique curve are agnate to antecedent versions of the Shogun.

Suzuki Shogun Axelo Picture
But agenda the foreground awning design. SkyDrive looks agnate to a cone-shaped foreground fenders.Another arresting aberration is on the awning of the anatomy locations with or underbone, attending added activating with the cull of arced physique lines, no added torn as the antecedent generation.